Building a Business Case for Enterprise Mobility Management

Before getting approval for a project, first build a business case that demonstrates why the project is needed & what the benefits of the project will be.

Before getting approval for a project, you must first build a business case that demonstrates why the project is needed and what the benefits of the project will be when it is finalised.

Whilst the reasons and benefits of a project may seem perfectly obvious to you, it may not be as clear to stakeholders and other decision makers. A well-prepared business case can help your project standout amongst your organisations other competing priorities and may be the tool to ensure approval and finances for the project. If you’re building a business case to convince stakeholders to adopt an enterprise mobility management solution for your organization, remember to focus on these four key benefits:


1. Cybersecurity: One way of building a business case for an EMM solution is to focus on the significant security that it can offer to your business. With a growing increase in cybersecurity attacks, an EMM solution can provide the support needed to ensure that your company’s data and reputation is protected. It can assess security weaknesses, develop appropriate policies and apply proven methods to proactively safeguard your corporate data, including employee-owned (BYOD) devices. Thus, ensuring that your corporate data is protected at all times.

2. Reduced Administration: An EMM solution effectively removes the reliance on your staff to manage your enterprise’s mobile devices which frees up time and resources to focus on core business strategies and operations. 

3. Cost Savings: An EMM solution reduces the need for multiple support teams to maintain your mobile estate. Additionally, it provides control of mobile expenses, alerts and enables management of cost allocations in one single solution, thus enabling your organization to identify opportunities for further cost reductions.

4. Total Visibility: Utilizing an EMM solution enables full visibility and transparency for your company as you can pinpoint the location of your workers, geofence your devices and set up alerts, if the device moves outside designated areas.


Any business that’s serious about improving efficiencies, managing workflows, enhancing productivity and engaging their workforce needs to adopt some form of enterprise mobility management strategy in the coming years. It’s no longer a want; it’s a need. To better understand how an EMM solution can improve your enterprise, contact Veroxos today for a free demo.

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